I've been following the November poem a day challenge at Robert Lee Brewer's blog, Poetic Asides. I have some friends who are doing National Novel Writing Month, but I don't know anyone personally who is doing this poetry challenge (unless some of my friends are holding out on telling me!), so I've been searching with the #novpad hashtag on Twitter to see how some poets I've never met before are faring in their attempts to write a poem each day this month.
So far, the poem I like best of the four I've been working on for the first four days of November is the poem from the prompt on November 1 to write a "matches" poem. In my brainstorming, I got to thinking about The Match Game, and here's the poem I wrote.
In the Late 20th Century
When game shows played for hours
in syndication on late-night TV,
we knew this as forever,
a party where everyone was tipsy
long before we arrived
to share the end of our evening
with Brett Somers and Charles Nelson Reilly
while two non-celebrities
tried to match the answers
celebrities had written in permanent ink.
good work:) Love from Maine!